Thursday, November 10, 2011


 Its 11-11-11, what is the fascination and excitement of a certain number does really intriguers most people around the world.


A lot a couples getting solemnized today. A lot of couple probably will have a special dinner to celebrate the special and so known –Ong! Date of the century. Personally #1 is one of my lucky numbers … why? I’m number #1 in my family,
#1 granddaughter,
 #1 who gets married among my cousins,
(Hopefully) #1 gave grand children to mama and ayah! ,
My PMR number end with #111,
 my SPM number Starts With # 165, 
I took #BM 111 for my Diploma in Uitm,
I Got Solemnized  #10/12/10
Kenduri Besar # 11/12/10
~ Easy to say.. When I got #1.. (Senang Hati sudah..) – I know it shound  Superstitious – But its just for comforting purposes. Nothing more okeh..

But the more bizarre news I read yesterday in one of the primer news paper. Is a couple planning for a cesarean birth on 11-11-11… Brave huh.. That I think crossed the line already.. Just because, It involves A life for god sake!. Suka hati kau la…

Spiritual Meaning of Numbers - Number # 1- One

One primarily deal with strong will,
Positivity, pure energy.
The number One reflects new beginnings, and purity.
The symbolic meaning of number One is further clarified when we understand One represents both kinds of action: physical and mental.
This combined with Ones urgency for new beginnings, we begin to see Ones recurring in our lives indicates a time to exert our natural forces, take action, and start a new venture.
One encourages us our action will be rewarded in kind.

Number # 1- Traits of people Having number 1 ( Dr. Azizan Osman)
  1. Bijak
  2. Boleh jadi pemimpin (natural born leader)
  3. Tidak suka dengar arahan orang lain
  4. Tidak percaya kebolehan orang lain. Dia rasa die lagi bagus.
  5. Suka memerhatikan orang
  6. Kreatif
  7. Banyak idea
  8. Pantang dicabar
  9. Dilihat sebagai seorang yang sombong tapi baik
  10. Berdikari
  11. Positive thinking 
  12. Sentiasa nak menang
  13. Keras kepala
  14. Sangat sentisitif dan suka berdendam 
  15. Selalu dipijak pijak 
  16. Perfectionist 
  17. High expectation
  18. Terlalu berterus terang
Thats it for now.. its 11-11-11 ( will look back on these day- and hopefully i dont regret anything.)
Mode : Must Persue my study!! i know im better than This!.. Please let Him Understand!

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